If you want a step-change approach to your backyard garden, go ahead and build a DIY automated drip irrigation system for your raised beds. It’s so critical when you have to work late or want to spend a weekend away with your significant other or friends. I have used this system all around my suburban homestead for my backyard organic raised bed garden and landscaping. Give it a shot as you we not be disappointed!!
Review of Current Setup
Let’s take a quick look at my current setup all throughout my garden and landscaping on all sides of the house. I’ve used this approach to great benefit and sure takes the pressure off when you have to work late or on vacation.
Backyard Garden Irrigation Setup
I’ve got my entire backyard organic raised bed garden watered through my watering setup as seen below. I ran the Polyflex 3/4″ tubing underground from under my porch where the closest water faucet was located. That’s about a 25 feet distance. I installed a ball valve to enable the entire system to be turned off. It goes to a 4-way splitter going underground and pops up in each raised bed that I have. The water is controlled by a timer. It’s a great system and has never frozen nor failed me as yet. I’ve had this system for the raised bed garden in place for about 5 years now.

Water to the Back Driveway (Temporary Setup)
The line you can see below running from my raised bed garden setup is a temporary tubing installation to get water to the back of the driveway where I have a couple of grape plants in containers. I also intend to move some more containers into that area of the yard so I definitely need a water source there. I will have to do something a little more permanent when we get closer to the first freeze, but this works for now.

Irrigation for North and Northwest Side of Landscaping
I have some landscaping on the North and Northwest side of my front yard. I have one line going from this faucet underground, below the fence, and have 3 pop-ups where I have some my soaker hoses connected to water those landscaping beds.

Existing Drip Irrigation Setup for the Landscaping on the South side of the House
My existing drip irrigation setup has a timer controlling the South side landscaping. The hose on the left connects up to my 75 feet hose. I am going to replace the timer and run a line to the Southwest landscaping area.

Remove Vines to put Tubing Underground
Removing the vines was the hardest part of the entire DIY. I had weed fabric cloth down the last time I mulched in here which was probably about 2 or 3 years ago. This required a lot of manual labor but also was able to use the hedge trimmer as well.
These ground cover vines were not fun at all!!!

Installing the New Timer and Tubing to the Front Landscaping

I dug a ditch to bury the tubing down the side of the house. I don’t bury it deeper that 2 or 3 inches as the residual heat from the house will prevent it from freezing.

I setup the timer without too much hassle.

All Done
The DIY Automated Irrigation For Raised Beds is a fun project to complete. It was one part of the landscaping that I didn’t have an automated drip irrigation system setup. Finally, I don’t have to worry about watering the Southwest side of the landscaping. This is a reasonably easy job but does require a little but of work to complete. Consider setting this up at your house to allow you a day, a weekend, or an extended vacation without worrying about who is going to water your garden or landscaping when you are gone! This is truly a game changer!!
To check out all my videos on Louisiana Simple Living, please visit: Louisiana Simple Living.
If you want a step-change approach to your backyard garden, go ahead and build a DIY automated drip irrigation system for you raised beds. It’s so critical when you have to work late at work or want to spend a weekend away with your significant others. I have used this system all around my suburban homestead for my backyard organic raised bed garden and landscaping. Give it a shot as you we not be disappointed!!
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