This week I’m looking at all the video topics that are in my backlog and the one that keep bubbling up is to review a checklist for planning a Spring Garden. I know it’s hard to believe that we …
The Posts
Time As an Issue: A Garden Youtuber
So, as I’m writing this post, I’m realizing as a garden youtuber, that time management, is becoming an issue. I work a regular 40-hr work week which leaves little time after work on …
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Backyard Organic Raised Bed Garden YouTuber
Background of the Channel Our family, back in July 2020, was vacationing in Gulf Shores enjoying the beach, when my son suggested that I should start up a YouTube channel on gardening. You see, …
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Plant Spotlight: Sweet Potatoes, Murasaki and Vardaman
Let me show you how simple it is to grow sweet potatoes, by planting slips and then harvesting them. I’m going to put a spotlight on 2 varieties that I grew this summer, Vardaman and the Murasaki. I …
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6 “Good” Garden Practices That Kill Vegetable Garden Plants
Join Louisiana Simple Living as I show you 6 different "Good" garden practices or things that you do that are not actually helping your plants but actually killing them. This is especially important …
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Quick Spicy Pickled Urizun Japanese Winged Beans
Walking out in the garden, I noticed I needed to go ahead and harvest some of my Urizun Japanese Winged Beans before they got too big. I went ahead and harvested them and decided to make some quick …
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